
Salvation Army - Food Pantry and Coat Drive

Jul 31, 2023, 16:14 PM
Title : Salvation Army - Food Pantry and Coat Drive
Video Id : 781940905
Video CTA :
Date published : Dec 20, 2022, 00:00 AM
We see a lot of middle class families who are working hard to provide for their families.
But housing expenses are going up, food is going up, everything's going up.
And so trying to meet make ends meet is still difficult and families still need help.

During our week, we have over 200 people coming in to get bread and pastries that are donated by Hy-Vee and to shop our food pantry.
So they come in. We have volunteers who work in our food pantry, help the clients shop and take food home to their families.
And then we also do a coat drive every year and give away coats for free to the community, to kids.
And so far, we've given away over 350 coats.
A little girl came in and we gave her a winter coat and she was so excited and she put this coat on and she was dancing around our lobby because she was so excited that she got a new winter coat.

We could not serve the amount of people that we serve without our volunteers.
This operation would not work without our volunteers.
They come in each week and we have people who go and pick up the bread and drop it off to us.
We have people who bring in donations of food or financial donations to purchase food for our pantries or provide coats.
And then we have our regular volunteers who come in and help these clients apply for our food pantry and shop in the food pantry.
And without them, this would not work.

The need here in the community in Moline is real.
There's people coming in every day looking for housing because they're facing homelessness or food because their kids didn't eat dinner last night or coats because they can't afford a coat for their kids.
And so we are here to try to help them make ends meet.
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  • Community Highlights
Salvation Army - Food Pantry
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