A Heartfelt Thank You...
Our Ascentra Team is very dedicated to providing our membership with efficient service each and every day. A new system means a new way for our staff to perform their jobs. We understand that initially, our processes may take just a little bit longer to complete as our staff continue to refine their new job skills. Your patience has been amazing and is so very much appreciated!
Over the next several months, as you come into our branch locations, we will be asking you to update your identification information on the new system. You may wonder, why now? I totally get it! If you are like me, you probably go to your favorite teller at your favorite branch location and have been doing so for years. They know who you are! However, having current identification information on file allows ALL of our tellers to serve you efficiently, at any branch location. We want to make sure we can easily identify our members when performing financial transactions, continue to provide efficient service, and as always, protect your financial information. The safety and security of your financial information has been and will always be top priority at Ascentra!
Once again, I cannot thank you enough for your dedicated membership at Ascentra Credit Union. WE are proud, honored, and humbled to have the opportunity to serve our members every day! Thank you!