Tax Refund Reminder
At Ascentra, we understand how important receiving your individual tax refund is and want you to receive your funds in the most efficient way by sharing how best to fill out your Form 1040 for 2023.
In the "Refund" section of the form, please know that ONLY your account number should be entered on line 35d, no suffix/share ID should be entered. Then place a check mark in the box of the account type you want your refund deposited into on line 35c as shown below.

You can find your account information in Digital Banking by opening the account tile, then clicking on Details & Settings. Your account number can be seen under the details heading, as shown in the red box below.

Please note: You may have saved account information online or with your tax provider from previous years. If so, please revisit to make sure your account number is now entered as described above.
Did you know that Ascentra members can use TurboTax at a discounted rate? Just visit for more information or to get started.
Ascentra's Routing Number is #273973456
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 563-355-0152 or through online chat at