Phishing Scam Advisory

Criminals in possession of card details and other forms of personal identifiable information are spoofing the phone number from financial institutions to fool cardholders into thinking that the text messages and phone calls are actually from the fraud department of their financial institution.
It makes a difference when you remain vigilant. Review your accounts daily and quickly report any unauthorized activity. Protect your own financial accounts and information. Here are some tips that can help:
- Ascentra will never ask over the phone for your PIN, CV2 codes or expiration dates on your debit or credit cards.
- A text alert warning of suspicious activity on a card will NEVER include:
- A link to be clicked. Never click on a link in a text message that is supposedly from us.
- Vague references to a “Merchant” transaction; details should be included.
- Request for your card data such as PINs, CV2 codes, expiration date.
- A text alert from us will always be from a 5-digit number and NOT a 10-digit number resembling a phone number.
- A valid notification will provide information about the suspect transaction and ask the cardholder to reply to the text message with answers such as ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘help’, or ‘stop’.
- Ascentra will never text you a phone number to call.
- A phone call from one of our staff members will only include a request for the cardholder Zip code, and no other personal information, unless the cardholder confirms that a transaction is fraudulent.
- Only then will you be transferred to an agent, who will ask questions to confirm your identity before going through the transaction history. If at any point you feel uncertain about the questions, hang up and call us directly.
- If you receive a call from our institution asking to verify transactions, the only information you are expected to provide is your Zip code, and ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers to the transactions provided.
- Download the CardValet App on your smartphone and link to your Ascentra debit and credit card to receive real-time alerts when your card is used.